Our Sustainers
- Help LABWC solve the Black Jobs Crisis through advocacy, education, mentorship and leadership training.
Our Sustainers Receive
- Monthly email updates on events and activities
- Advance invites for special events
- Name and/or logo listed on our website and other printed materials as a coalition partner
Sustainer Levels:
- Builder $120 ($10 monthly)
- Leader $240 ($20 monthly)
- Visionary $360 ($30 monthly)
- Legacy $480 ($40 monthly)
To send your contribution by mail, please download the mail-in form here, complete and return to LABWC or donate online:
Who's donating
Cathy Chu
Adonia Lugo
Jennifer Williams
David Campbell
Neneki Lee
Maurice Weeks
Shelia Balque
Rebecca Overmyer-Velazquez
Kathrin Buschmann
Christopher Schmader
Andre Steele
Patricia Smith
Jason Wojciechowski
Adonia Lugo
Cathy Chu
Jennifer Williams
David Campbell
Maurice Weeks
Neneki Lee
Shelia Balque
Rebecca Overmyer-Velazquez
Kathrin Buschmann
Christopher Schmader
Andre Steele
Patricia Smith
Jason Wojciechowski
Cathy Chu
Adonia Lugo
Jennifer Williams
David Campbell